연도 | 구분 | 초록제목 | 저자 | 소속 |
2024 | 최우수 | The Predicting Method of Patients with Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy using Prefrontal Functional Connectivity Analysis | 김영준 | 서울대학교병원 |
우수 | Hyperosmolar Dehydration in Sepsis: Implications for Initial Fluid Management | 이경의 | 서울대학교병원 | |
A Simple Scoring System (Wbc–Asystole) for Favorable Neurological Outcomes in OHCA Patients with Initial Asystole at the time of ED Arrival: A Nationwide Population‑Based Registry Study 2016–2020 | 박한나 | 서울아산병원 | ||
Effect of an Extended Rapid Response System with Artificial Intelligence Monitoring in Patients admitted to General Wards | 장민희 | 순천향의대 부천병원 | ||
Effect of Fluid Combination of Balanced Crystalloid and Albumin in Hypovolemic Shock: Analysis of Hemodynamics and Impedance using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in Hypovolemic Shock-induced Swine Model | 박훈성 | 고려의대 안암병원 | ||
The Triglyceride and Glucose Index as a Predictor of Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Hemodialysis Patients | 김대규 | 경희의료원 | ||
The Association between Postoperative Delirium and Dexmedetomidine Use in ICU Patients: An ICDSC-Based Study | 서지우 | 세브란스병원 | ||
Impact of Mechanical Power in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients Underwent Pressure-Controlled Mechanical Ventilation | 김태완 | 중앙대학교병원 | ||
Sleep Characteristic of Patients admitted to Intensive Care Units after Major Abdominal Surgery | 강정희 | 동아대학교병원 | ||
Clinical Impact of A Cardiac intensivist in An Cardiac Intensive Care Unit From the RESCUE Registry | 배대환 | 충북대학교병원 | ||
Predictive Value of the Modified Rox Index for Weaning Failure in Mechanically Ventilated Patients | 형권형 | 서울대학교병원 | ||
The Intervention of Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Weaning Outcomes of Patients with Mechanical Ventilation: Practical Applications in the Medical Intensive Care Unit and the COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Study | Chin-Ming Chen | Center for quality management, Director, Intensive Care Medicine, Director, Taiwan | ||
" The Association of Arterial Partial Oxygen Pressure with Mortality in Critically Ill Sepsis Patients" | 현동곤 | 서울 아산병원 | ||
The Epidemiology of Vitamin D3 Insufficiency in Sepsis Patients | Hung-Ching Wu | Department of Social Worker, Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Tainan, Taiwan, Department of Public Health, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan | ||
2023 | 최우수 | Intravital imaging of peritubular microcirculation at the cellular-level in experimental acute kidney injury model | 박인원 | 분당서울대학교병원 |
우수 | Being Devastated by the Critical Illness Journey in the Family: A Grounded Theory Approach of Postintensive Care Syndrome-Family | 강지연 | 동아대학교 간호학부 | |
Serial Amino Acid Profiling as a Marker of Sepsis-Associated AKI and Recoveries of Renal Function in ICU | 김혜수 | 신촌세브란스병원 | ||
Impact of obesity on the incidence and prognosis of acute kidney injury in patients with sepsis: A nationwide prospective cohort study | 윤시몽 | 서울대학교병원 | ||
Effect of left ventricular unloading during venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients with cardiogenic shock | 이규선 | 을지대병원 | ||
Deep learning-based EWS for predicting clinical deterioration in general ward cancer patients | 이성진 | 삼성서울병원 | ||
The influence of life sustaining treatment issue on septic patients: a prospective nationwide multicenter cohort study | 이송이 | 충남대학교병원 | ||
Development of a prognostic scoring system in tracheostomized patients requiring ventilator care for more than 14 days: a 10-year experience in a university-affiliated tertiary hospital | 장효진 | 부산대학교병원 | ||
Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, Non-inferiority, Investigator-Initiated Trial to Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Automatic Closed-Suction System in Mechanically Ventilated patients with Pneumonia (ESuction-MVP) | 주동현 | 분당서울대학교병원 | ||
Hemostatic effect of fibrinogen concentrate on traumatic massive hemorrhage: A propensity score matching study | 허윤정 | 단국대학교병원 | ||
2022 | 최우수 | Post-Intensive Care Syndrome in ICU Survivors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study | 정진헌 | 동아의대 |
우수 | High weight variation upon PICU admission is associated with adverse clinical outcomes | 김하민 | 연세의대 | |
Corticosteroid Treatment for > 14 Days Is Associated with Decreased Mortality in Severe COVID-19 Patients: a Propensity-matched Cohort Study | 백문성 | 중앙의대 | ||
Effect of Discontinuation of Immunosuppression Therapy on Mortality in Kidney Transplant Patients with Sepsis | 유지원 | 가톨릭의대 | ||
The Association between Inflammations Induced Endothelial Activation and Thrombosis during ECMO | 장진호 | 부산의대 | ||
Ion Shift Index as a Prognostic Indicator to Predict Patient Survival at an Early Stage in Traumatic Damage Control Surgery Patients | 장현석 | 전남의대 | ||
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Subsequent Acute Pulmonary Inflammatory Response | 전진평 | 한림의대 | ||
Effects of Sodium Nitroprusside Administered via a Subdural Intracranial Catheter on the Microcirculation, Oxygenation, and Electrocortical Activity of the Cerebral Cortex in a Pig Cardiac Arrest Model | 정경운 | 전남의대 | ||
Outcomes of Bridge to Lung Transplantation in Patients with COVID-19: a Single Center Experience in Korea | 정치욱 | 울산의대 | ||
Serial Bedside Ultrasonography for Estimating Urinary Bladder Wall Thickness as a Predictor for Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Critically Ill Patients: a Reliable “Cut-off” Finding Study | Das Badri Prasad | Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, Institute of Medical Sciences- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India | ||
Study Analysis of Urbanization and Frequency of Chronic Kidney Disease Association in Delhi State Population | Ranbir SINGH | Applied Sciences, Shri Maha Maya Vaishnav Devi Mandir Research Institute, India | ||
Study of Mental Health Evaluation among Adolescents Receiving Sleeve Gastrectomy | Vikas SHARMA | Internal Medicine, S N M College and Hospital, India | ||
2021 | 최우수 | Rapid Response System Improves Sepsis Bundle Compliances & Survival on the General Wards for 10 Years | 최선희 | 서울아산병원 |
우수 | Lipid Emulsion Attenuates Amlodipine-induced Vasodilation via the Inhibition of Endothelial NO | 이수희 | 경상의대 | |
우수 | Ability of carotid corrected flow time to predict fluid responsiveness in patients mechanically ventilated using low tidal volume after surgery | 박재희 | 연세의대 | |
우수 | The impact of rapid response team on outcome of patients stayed in the ward vs. transferred to the ICU | 고정숙 | 충남의대 | |
우수 | Efficacy and Safety of Neostigmine for treatment of acute colonic pseudo-obstruction in neurocritically ill patients | 김태정 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | Increased mitochondrial dysfunction associated with autophagy and mitophagy in cerebrospinal fluid cells following subarachnoid hemorrhage in patients with delayed cerebral ischemia | 전진평 | 한림의대 | |
우수 | Ventriculoarterial coupling predicts effectiveness of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in septic animal model | 조화진 | 전남의대 | |
우수 | An Explainable Machine Learning Model for Prediction of refeeding hypophosphatemia | 최태양 | 연세의대 | |
우수 | Prevalence of rehabilitation in critically ill children: a Korean National Health Insurance database study | 조중범 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | Effects of perioperative erythropoietin administration on acute kidney injury and blood transfusion in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis | 전인재 | 고려의대 | |
우수 | The predictive ability of national early warning score (NEWS) for severe outcomes in an era of super-aging. | 김상혁 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | Prognostic factors for late death in septic shock survivors: A multi-center, prospective, registry-based observational study | 김상민 | 울산의대 | |
우수 | Family Satisfaction in the Intensive Care Unit: a questionnaire survey in a single center | 강민창 | 순천향의대 | |
우수 | Neuroprognostication Using Frontal Spectrograms in Fully Sedated Cardiac Arrest Patients | 이재훈 | 동아의대 | |
우수 | Evaluation of the use of argatroban for ECMO in critically ill patients with hepatic impairment | 박지윤 | 서울아산병원 | |
2020 | 최우수 | Safety and usefulness of the TSF(Target SpO2 Feedback control by FiO2) in High flow nasal cannular system | 서우정 | 울산의대 |
우수 [약제 부문] |
Polypharmacy and Potential Drug-Drug Interactions in children admitted to Intensive Care Units: A Prospective Study | 이인화 | 서울대학교병원 | |
우수 [간호 부문] |
Risk Factors associated with Heel Pressure Injury in Adult Patients in Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit | 이현정 | 신촌세브란스병원 | |
우수 [소아 부문] |
P50 implies adverse clinical outcomes in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome by reflecting extrapulmonary organ dysfunction | 정재화 | 연세의대 | |
우수 | Quick Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment score and Modified Early Warning Score for detecting clinical deterioration of patients in general ward | 고령은 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | Effect of a nutritional support protocol on enteral nutrition and clinical outcomes of critically ill patients | 박희문 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | Neurologic prognostication by Deep learning based Neuroimaging analysis in post cardiac arrest patients | 이정화 | 이화의대 | |
우수 | The attitude and barriers to implementation of rapid response system | 이춘근 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | A metabolomic approach for early detection of ARDS in patients with pneumonia: discriminant biomarkers of pneumonia-induced ARDS | 장유진 | 인제의대 | |
우수 | Association of pressure support vs. T-piece spontaneous breathing trials with weaning outcomes in medical intensive care unit | 전경만 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | Extracellular mitochondrial dysfunction in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage | 전진평 | 한림의대 | |
우수 | Risk factors for treatment failure of polymyxin B hemoperfusion in patients with septic shock caused by peritonitis | 조아라 | 서울의대 | |
2019 | 최우수 | Prediction of poor prognosis using the peak systolic velocity and early diastolic velocity of the central retinal artery in patients with post-cardiac arrest syndrome | 이재훈 | 동아의대 |
우수 | Effect of institutional case volume on in-hospital and long-term mortality in critically ill patients requiring mechanical ventilation for 48 hours or more | 이한나 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | Lipid emulsion attenuates late apoptosis evoked by toxic dose of amlodipine in rat cardiomyoblast | 손주태 | 경상의대 | |
우수 | Effectiveness of hemostatic gauze use in preperitoneal pelvic packing for hemodynamic instability due to severe pelvic fracture | 장지영 | 연세의대 | |
우수 | Immunologic analysis of postoperative delirium after thoracic aortic surgery | 이교선 | 전남의대 | |
우수 | Incidence and outcomes of sepsis in Korea: A nationwide cohort study from 2007 to 2016 | 오승영 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | Determining the lower limit of cerebral perfusion pressure in patients undergoing decompressive craniectomy following traumatic brain injury. | 임상혁 | 가톨릭의대 | |
우수 | Experience from Activation of Pediatric Rapid Response System in Regional Children’s Hospital | 권정은 | 경북의대 | |
우수 | The Association of Multidisciplinary Team Approach with Clinical Outcomes in Patients Underwent Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Emergency Department | 이지한 | 충북의대 | |
우수 | Performance of APACHE IV in Medical Intensive Care Unit Patients: Comparisons with APACHE II, SAPS 3, and MPM0 III | 고미혜 | 서울대학교병원 | |
2018 | 최우수 | Prediction of neurologic prognosis in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: FFTree analysis | 신소미 | 서울의대 |
우수 | Effect of Aerosolized and Loading Dose of Colistin in Carbapenem Resistant Pneumonia Patients | 박철 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | Nurses' Perceived Barriers and Educational Needs for Early Mobilization of Critically Ill patients | 김창환 | 삼성서울병원 | |
우수 | mpact of malnutrition and lactate level on mortality after surgery for intestinal perforation. | 오승영 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | Readmission to the intensive care unit after lung transplantation | 김혜빈 | 연세의대 | |
우수 | ECMO epidemiology and mortality in Korea | 백문성 | 울산의대 | |
우수 | Neutropenic patients with septic shock: Microbiological etiology and antimicrobial resistance | 정성민 | 울산의대 | |
우수 | Basic fibroblast growth factor effect on neuroprotective effect in traumatic brain injury model. | 유도성 | 가톨릭의대 | |
우수 | Outcome of ventilator weaning according to new classification in pediatric patients | 최아영 | 성균관의대 | |
2017 | 최우수 | Infusion of Methylene Blue in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: A Randomized Controlled Trial | 황지은 | 분당서울대학교병원 |
우수 | ICU admission controlled by intensivist can reduce delayed transfer from the emergency department | 김지은 | 동아의대 | |
우수 | Safety and efficacy of an early rehabilitation program in surgical intensive care unit | 선현우 | 울산의대 | |
우수 | Neurologic complications in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) | 설인숙 | 연세의대 | |
우수 | Linolenic acid inhibits the bupivacaine-induced attenuation of vasodilation evoked by KATP channels | 손주태 | 경상의대 | |
우수 | 집중치료 후 증후군의 관련변인에 대한 메타분석 | 이민주 | 동아대학교 | |
우수 | 생체전기임피던스분석법 결과값의 강한 중환자 사망 예측력 | 이재명 | 고려의대 | |
우수 | The Effects of Low-dose Ketamine on Acute Pain in an Emergency Setting: A Systematic Review | 이재훈 | 고려의대 | |
우수 | A Nationwide Analysis of Intensive Care Unit Admissions, 2009–2014– KIND study | 정숙현 | 삼성서울병원 | |
우수 | A Simple Prediction Score System for Malignant Brain Edema Progression in Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction | 조광욱 | 가톨릭의대 | |
우수 | Efficacy of additional aerosolized vancomycin in mechanical ventilated patients with MRSA pneumonia | 조준연 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) induced acute lung injury(ALI) model에서 Polydeoxyribonucleotide(PDRN) 효과 | 황재준 | 경희의대 | |
2016 | 최우수 | Implication of plasma EphA2 levels in patients with sepsis | 이수환 | 연세의대 |
우수 | 발관 성공을 예측하는데 초음파를 이용한 횡경막 움직임과 두께 변화의 임상적 유용성 비교 | 유정완 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | Delta Neutrophil Index(DNI) as a prognostic marker of mortality in pneumonia sepsis. | 박소영 | 경희의대 | |
우수 | Measurement of Salivary Cortisol Levels in the Critically Ill Patients | 이진우 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | An association between a cardiac intensivist and mortality in adult cardiac intensive care unit | 나수진 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | The best prediction model for trauma outcomes of the current Korean population | 정경원 | 아주의대 | |
우수 | Powerful predictors of long-term mortality in ICU survivors | 안신영 | 고려의대 | |
우수 | qSOFA is an acceptable bedside tool to predict adverse events within 24 hours after MET activation | 김환일 | 성균관의대 | |
2014 | 최우수 | 의사소통이 불가능한 중환자의 통증사정도구 *(Critical Care Non-verbal Pain Scale, CNPS) 적용 효과 | 임옥분 | 서울아산병원 |
우수 | Predictors of malignant brain edema in middle cerebral artery infarction using computed tomography angiography images | 김훈 | 가톨릭의대 | |
우수 | Stearoyl lysophosphatidylcholine은 AMPK 활성 증가를 통하여 LPS-induced HMGB1의 release를 억제한다. | 배홍범 | 전남의대 | |
우수 | 기계환기로부터의 이탈: 횡격막신경전도검사를 이용한 이탈 곤란의 예측 | 박윤희 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | Comparison of Morphine and Remifentanil on the duration of weaning from mechanical ventilation | 이재명 | 아주의대 | |
우수 | 중환자실 특성에 따른 중환자실 입실환자의 사망위험 예측 | 송원준 | 성균관의대 | |
우수 | Expression of syndecan is mediated by oxidative signaling in lipopolysaccharide induced acute lung injury model | 최정희 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | The clinical value of neutrophil extracellular traps in Acute respiratory distress syndrome | 홍장원 | 한림의대 | |
2013 | 우수 | 외과계 중환자실에 입원한 패혈증 환자의 중증도와 활성산소및 항산화력의 상관관계 | 장지영 | 연세의대 |
우수 | New system of extended Medical Emergency Team (MET), 1-year experience in a university hospital | 윤인아 | 한양의대 | |
우수 | The role of Urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as a predictive biomarker for colistin induced acute kidney injury | 박소영 | 한림의대 | |
우수 | Low dose of niacin and selenium attenuates lung inflammation and improves survival during sepsis | 김혜미 | 서울의대 | |
우수 | 중환자실에서 병동으로 전실된 환자 관리가 중환자실 재입실에 미치는 효과 | 정윤중 | 울산의대 | |
우수 | The role of clinical pharmacist in lung transplantation patients of the intensive care unit | 김수희 | 연세의대 | |
우수 | Use of evidence-based checklists to reduce catheter-related bloodstream infections in ICU | 박성범 | 성균관의대 | |
최우수 | The Experience of Daily Ethics Rounds in Adult Intensive Care Units | 문재영 | 충남의대 |